A long day

We moved from one side of the ward to the other today. It is used by patients and parents to be semi-independent and to get used to doing everything before they go home, but still have access to the nurses when they have a question. It is really quiet on this side and I miss chatting to all the nurses and having them pop their heads round the door to ask me if I need anything.

Today I took a sample from Jasmine’s catheter – direct from her tummy. I also set up her machine and connected her without anyone supervising us at all. Although I have done her machine many times I was convinced I had done it all wrong because no one was watching, but it worked fine when I plugged Jasmine into it. Neil and I did her PD dressing together this evening when he came in from work as it is a two man job. Everything else we can do separately and take turns, so that we get a break.

I took Jasmine out for lunch today and someone asked me if Jasmine was my baby. How weird. Whose baby would she be? Still it was better than the other four people who asked me why she has a tube up her nose. My new answer: because she needs it.

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