Goodbye Summertown Solutions Ltd

I have had my little company since I left lecturing full-time six years ago.

This week I have decided to wrap it up because I just don’t have the time to do it anymore. Jasmine takes all of the energy I have and there is no way I could fit in any consultancy. Normally a job takes at least a week or two and the days can be long. I can’t leave Jasmine with anyone unless they are fully trained dialysis-wise and know what to do in the event of an emergency, which means Neil, and I can’t leave him for a week or two to do all the dialysis chores. It is too much for one person and we are permanently knackered as it is.

And even if someone ever offered to help us out, (GOSH have said they will train anyone at anytime), I don’t think that I would I be able to function properly in the real world. I would be wondering what Jasmine’s blood pressure, weight and temperature was like, and how her fluid was looking and if she drank all her milk, filled her nappy, had all her meds, and the rest of it, all day.

So, now I am a stay-at-home-mum who occasionally does a bit of lecturing (as Westminster have said that I can take Jasmine). I feel a bit sad about the end of my company, but it is one less thing to think about. It is a bit of a relief not to worry about deadlines and company accounts, but I am sad to say goodbye to something I created.

One Response to “Goodbye Summertown Solutions Ltd”

  1. Jill Winslow says:

    Maybe its just on hold, Jasmine is doing so great hopefully she will glide into transplant (that makes it sound simple and I know its not, but its nice to think of a finish line) after she puts on some extra fluff (: You’ve had some overwhelming weeks! I’m not sure if hands ever recover from all the scrubbing…thinking and praying of you always! Were off for our flu shots (I have to pretend it doesn’t hurt so Lauren will follow thru, the boys are done, its just me dragging my feet!)

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