Things that will make Jasmine feel better

Neil injects Jasmine

It seems that people who keep Jasmine in their gardens do google about quite a bit. Last time in my webstats there was How to look after your Jasmine and today there was a ‘Things that will make Jasmine feel better’.

One thing that makes my Jasmine feel better is her weekly epo injection. So this morning, under the watchful eye of our community nurse, Neil injected Jasmine. Afterwards we bathed her, changed her sterile PD dressing, set up the machine, and then went out for lunch with the Grandparents Firth.

Jasmine likes it in Tas as the food is brightly coloured for her to stare at, there are lots of mirrors so that she can look at herself, and the staff are lovely and make a fuss of her. A couple of people eating in the restaurant came over to tell us how beautiful they found Jasmine. And her Grandparents gave her lots of cuddles – all things to make Jasmine feel better.

We are settling into the new routine and getting more sleep. Jasmine is crying less and was feeding well today even though her routine was disrupted. She is also starting to move about a bit. This evening we left her lying on the floor on a blanket with an open nappy underneath her and she moved off the nappy to the other side of the blanket.

The other day when Jasmine was wailing constantly, Neil put her in the recovery position. She really liked it and stopped crying and started singing to herself, my mad gorgeous baby.

One Response to “Things that will make Jasmine feel better”

  1. Barbara Seacombe says:

    You’ll probably never get complaints from Jasmine by giving her lots of love and cuddles, she is really beautiful. I am in awe of your daily life and think you are tremendous coping as you do.
    When can Jasmine start trying food?, just to add to your already hectic lifestyle.
    I’m laughing at the photo as Jasmine is looking at the needle and is hoping Neil doesn’t miss the spot.
    Love and kisses to you all.
    Barbara and all in Minehead

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