A tough cookie

Jasmine and Neil on the settee

Jasmine is one tough cookie. Neil and I both caught her head cold and my goodness, we were ill. I was in agony as I couldn’t take anything at all and felt very jealous of Neil drinking lemsip. It felt like someone had banged me over the head with a shovel. I was constantly doing neti and drinking hot lemonade and going for lie-downs, at which point Neil would get out of bed do some neti, drink some lemsip and take over looking after Jasmine. Neil has been so ill he has been going to bed in the afternoon – something he never, ever does. It has been a tiring week.

Jasmine who had the head cold first, carried on as usual, singing, laughing, and teething – she has three molars coming through. She kept on drinking her milk and any other fluids we gave her and we gave her a lot, as her blood pressure has been a bit too low to put her comfortably on dialysis, so we have been keeping a close eye on that and letting her drink lots of milk and glucose water.

Yesterday, though she looked really good for the first time in weeks and today, apart from the hacking cough she has, she looks content. At the moment, she sitting watching a bit of Formula 1 with her dad and drinking her milk. Neil is not particularly into Formula 1 but he is obsessed with sunshine and this race is in Shanghai. He likes to watch anywhere hot and sunny. Even his hunt for a ‘manly’ Yoga DVD (he is bored of prenatal yoga) has as its main goal an outdoor sunny backdrop.

Lately, Jasmine has been taking an interest in food. She has been eating Pringles, which she does with gusto and then she crumbles them and throws them on the floor. And she quite likes banana dessert. Neil and I take different approaches to feeding her. I give her whatever I am eating whereas Neil buys baby food that he thinks he might like.

So at the moment, Jasmine likes Pringles, shortbread and chocolate biscuits, Haagan Daas ice-cream and a mouthful of home-made Ayurvedic vegan carrot cake. Neil likes Boots baby banana dessert, Organix baby apple and peach puree, baby oat and berry bars. I think Jasmine likes ice-cream because it soothes her gums. Unfortunately, Neil ate the rest once he got bored of baby food.

The dietician said at our last appointment that because Jasmine eats very little food it really doesn’t matter what we give her. It is just important to encourage her interest in food. And it is much easier to get a few extra calories down her with half of chocolate biscuit or a spoonful of ice-cream than the equivalent in super-rich milk, especially when she is fluid-restricted (and not ill).

It was a shame that we were so ill and in bed as we had no hospital appointments and we couldn’t take advantage of the free time. This week coming up we are back to our usual round of clinics: Jasmine and ante-natal, and bloods and doctors, so we will be roaming between hospitals and sitting in waiting rooms.

One Response to “A tough cookie”

  1. Linda Whitlock says:

    Sorry to hear Jasmine’s cold got shared around, especially at a time you didn’t have any appointments. But also glad to hear she is taking to the varied foods.
    I take it the Easter egg in the picture has also been shared around, I can’t imagine here managing that all by herself.

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