Neil: Mother’s day

It was sad for Jasmine to be in hospital for Mother’s day. Just a few weeks ago we thought that she would be at home with us after she was born.

Jasmine’s digestion is still not working. She is bringing up too much bile, and the barium is passing through her system too slowly. Unfortunately there are no definite signs of what is wrong. Jasmine’s white blood count has been raised, so she is being treated with antibiotics in case she has an infection. The barium has been passing through her digestive system, but it is not clear whether there is a partial blockage, or partial twist in the intestine. If things do not pick up then the doctors think that she may have to have exploratory surgery. They will open her up and have a rummage around….

The consequences of this are that the surgeons will have to cut through the wall of the abdominal cavity. This means that Jasmine would not be able to have peritoneal dialysis until completely healed (3 weeks or so). This means that she would have to have hemodialysis, requiring the insertion of more catheters. Unfortunately Jasmine doesn’t have enough blood for hemodialysis, so she would require ongoing blood transfusions. Let us hope that her digestion gets going and she can stay on peritoneal dialysis.

2 Responses to “Neil: Mother’s day”

  1. andrea says:

    hiya all. just want to send you all much love and special wishes and prayers. xx take care.. Jasmine is so beautiful. x

  2. […] had a lovely Mothering Sunday – so different to last year when things were […]

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