Neil: Hand washing technique

Jasmine no NG tube but plaster

The training today was on hand washing technique. We will have to make sure we are very clean to avoid as much infection as possible when changing dressings and putting Jasmine on dialysis.

Jasmine had a small oxygen mask next to her as she slept because she is falling into a deep sleep and not breathing as she should. Apparently, this is quite normal for a baby who has spent so long on oxygen. However, the nurses are limiting her oxygen as her brain has to learn how to trigger the ‘need more oxygen’ switch.

Other than the hand washing and some taking our blood pressure practice, we had a quiet day. Jasmine was behaving like a normal baby which was very exciting. She cried a lot when she was hungry, had filled her nappy and was overtired. She stayed awake between feeds and liked to be held and now stares at her mobile as if she sees it.

This afternoon Jasmine pulled her NG tube out and the nurses left it out for now as it seems as if Jasmine is saying she doesn’t want it. We will have to see if the nurses need to put it back in to feed her.

Jasmine is now on 52mls every three hours. It is fortified with 4% SMA and vitapro. Her weight is creeping up steadily but the nurses have to take her blood pressure to see if it is actual weight gain or if she is retaining fluid. High blood pressure could mean that she is retaining too much fluid. Low blood pressure could mean that she is dehydrated.

One Response to “Neil: Hand washing technique”

  1. Sean Kelly says:

    she looks soo cute ruth and neil, you should be sponsored for that piccy advertising costa coffee. she is soo tiny. glad to hear she is acting like a normal baby.

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