Neil: Protruding omentum

Jasmine and Calista in the cot

Ruth has been doing a great job tending to Jasmine’s wound and nappy rash. The wound has finally been getting a chance to dry out and heal up. On Sunday night some tissue was poking out of Jasmine’s belly. All rather like in Alien. Ruth took the girls down to Great Ormond Street and got the wound cleaned up and dressed again. The nurses decided to keep an eye on it.

The next day the tissue had gone back inside Jasmine’s belly, so we were hopeful that it would start to heal up, as the rest of the wound was looking much better.

Jasmine’s bloods have been good. Her creatinine has been in the mid twenties for the past few days. On dialysis it was more like 300. The healthy range for a child Jasmine’s age should be between 20 and 40. Her immuno-suppression results looked good so the doctors decided that Jasmine could have a day off blood tests on Wednesday.

However, on Tuesday night a large piece of tissue popped back out again. Ruth washed and dressed the wound and decided to have another look in the morning. Wednesday morning there was tissue the size of a 50 pence piece poking out so we all went down to Great Ormond Street. Luckily we caught one of the transplant surgeons, who examined Jasmine and decided that she would need surgery to put everything back in its proper place. She was put on the emergency list and operated on at 7.30 pm. The surgery went well, and she was back on the ward a couple of hours later.

On Thursday she was looking rather pale. Her temperature spiked up to 39.1 so she was started on antibiotics and had the full battery of blood tests and cultures. She will probably be in hospital for a few days. She has plenty to keep her entertained on the ward, with all the nurses and other patients. At home we can catch up on some sleep!

Jasmine on antibiotics

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