Neil: Transfer to the nephrology ward

Holding Jasmine

This morning Jasmine was transferred out of intensive care to the nephrology ward. She has a little room to herself with a window looking out to the sky. Jasmine was awake and moving about. She had her eyes open and was looking around. It was wonderful to be able to look at her and have her look back.Jasmine has her blood pressure taken every hour, with a blood pressure gauge around her arm. She really doesn’t like that! As a parent it seems as if the nurses aren’t paying so much attention, and it is a bit worrying. Really this is good news, as in intensive care the nurses didn’t leave Jasmine alone for more than a minute. Now she is stable, so it is good she doesn’t need to be watched so closely. We spoke to the doctor and they are planning her fluid intake for the next few days. They want to support her kidneys for as long as possible, as there is still an outside chance they may recover some limited functionality with Jasmine breathing better.

She is very wriggly and kept pulling out the oxygen tube from her nose and the other lines that she has in, setting off the monitors. She also turned her head from right to left so that she could look out of the window.

Ruth got to hold Jasmine for the first time, which was very moving. She only held her for five minutes as we were worried about tangling up her lines. After we helped to weigh Jasmine, she is now 3kg, but with the lines it took a long time.

My parents came to visit Jasmine. Ruth had her stitches taken out by another very kind midwife, and her scar is looking much better.

One Response to “Neil: Transfer to the nephrology ward”

  1. Gareth says:

    Babies are tough little things, and it’s great that she’s out of intensive care. You’re in the best place in the world for sick kids. We’ll be thinking of you.

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