Home – One year today

Jasmine and Ruth at home

Jasmine came home one year ago today. So, today we give thanks for the wonderful people who look after us so carefully at the hospital, and for all the amazing equipment we have at home which allows us to tuck Jasmine up in the cot next to us every night.

Things may have been a bit tough but I wouldn’t swap a minute of it. Jasmine is smart and beautiful and we love her.

I had several contractions the other day and was convinced I was in labour. It felt very real. So, I ran about the flat saying that I wasn’t ready, and was quite glad when they wore off after an hour. I have a new mobile phone and haven’t quite got the hang of texting on it yet so when I texted my doula to say I was having contractions but wasn’t sure, was it Brackston-Hicks? She got a message from me saying, “I have had some crack”. She was slightly alarmed. I didn’t have any false labour with Jasmine so this is all new to me.

I packed my bag that evening when things calmed down. And now, I am ready to have this baby and am quite excited, albeit a bit sad that Neil and Jasmine won’t be there. I still have a rotten cough, and Jasmine is still full of cold and was snoring so heavily in the cot last night, but in a very cute way. I got my chest checked at my last doctor’s appointment. All clear, thank goodness. Jasmine is looking really well and her vomiting is right down, which is brilliant! But we keep peering at her wondering what is going on. She hasn’t vomited as little as this for a long, long time. Neil is his usual wonderful self – a bit tired with all the extra things he is now picking up, as I find I am needing a bit of a nap in the afternoons, which then makes me a bit restless and chatty at bedtime, which he can well do without when he wants some sleep.

Tomorrow we are off to see the transplant surgeons and talk about Neil’s spare kidney, so that will definitely bring on labour, but luckily we will be in a hospital. I am always impressed with Neil and am thrilled to be his wife, added to that now, I am in awe of him and his desire to do his best for Jasmine.

We have found a new use for all our spare dialysis boxes. Jasmine loved being dragged about in it yesterday and squealed with delight for over an hour. We are wondering if we can fit the new baby in one, as things are pretty snug in our flat.

Jasmine in her dialysis box

2 Responses to “Home – One year today”

  1. Jen says:

    What a lovely post. You are lucky to have Neil, hes lovely. But then hes lucky to have you because you a re lovely too :) You’ve made a lovely family.

    Laughed out loud to hear that your stressing your doula with info about your new hard drugs habit. Won’t be for much longer. C’mon baby. There are alot of excited internet lurkers out here wait for you to put in an appearance.

  2. Jill Winslow says:

    too funny that is quite the text! Congrats on a yr home on the 7th, Gav too was let out of the hospital the day before mothers day, funny how you never forget the moment when you get to hold you baby outside of those walls!!! Quite a miracle! She is such a little doll and I so adore her sweet little face! YEAH Neil for being such a wonderful daddy! I can’t wiat to see the new addition! That last month is always so wearing! Get your naps while you can! So glad to hear of the decrease in vomit, those are always moments to treaure! Uh oh, looks like a brawl has ensued between Lauren and Gavin, so I must go referee, best of luck for a quick labor and an adorable little cherub!

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