Jasmine goes to church

Jasmine’s drain bag was clear this morning, which seems to indicate that her lymph system is healing. Tonight Jasmine will be given breastmilk for her continous feed and the amount should increase too, as she guzzles her milk and is hungry well before her feed time.

It was a lovely day today. I arrived in time to give Jasmine her lunchtime feed and then after a bit of a struggle I managed to get her into her sling with help from the nurse, and took her downstairs for lunch. After lunch we went for a look around the chapel downstairs and then wandered back up in time for her next feed. Then I left her sleep whilst I went to set up her dialysis machine.

When I got back she was awake so I picked her up and she managed to impressively poo down my top and leg, through her romper suit and nappy. It took quite some time before we got tidied up and could sit down to read the TLS together. Jasmine wasn’t impressed and began to cry so I took her into the corridor as she likes to look at the lights on the ceiling.

She dozed a little before Neil arrived and wrestled her out of my arms. Phil came to visit too. We did all of Jasmine’s observations, drugs and feed in good time this evening but managed to swing her round lots until she was overtired and wouldn’t sleep. It took ages to get her settled.

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